
we are alchemists of our own feelings

We were taught not to stir the mud in the glass of water (or keep it still as much as can) but to filter out the mud we need to stir the water as the turbulence was a step lead to clarity.

To be an alchemist is to accept what we feel and turn it into gold. It's about seeing the beauty in the most painful moments and healing ourselves for the whole. Thus, everything happens for a reason, for us to grow and gain emotional wisdom as evolving souls.

Let’s speak soul language Called Art!

you are born creative

Greetings, beautiful soul. I’m glad you found this space. Join me in speaking a soul language called Art. It has nothing to do with skill and experience; the best approach is to empty ourselves and let amazing things come through us or come out from the deepest part of us. Sometimes, we have to forget to remember again, and it’s crucial to remember that everybody is born an artist!

i will be your Art facilitator

Guiding you from the heart, focusing on what matters, and being a space of freedom for your soul.

My name is Makham, based in Chiang Mai, Thailand. I have a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree, and I am a Social Emotional Arts Trained Facilitator. My direction focuses on nurturing your soul and assisting you in revealing your gifts and uniqueness through Art because every shadow within us contains a gift that, when transformed, will become the light.

My guideline approach as a facilitator

Processings through Art

When you have a hard time processing your emotions, art can bring things to the surface for you by bringing the unconscious to light.

The Art making process can reveal what you feel even if you didn't think of it, because art is a language of the subconscious/internal world.

Our subconscious tries to express our hidden feelings. Resistance and fear of the feelings is more difficult to express than the feelings themselves. The difficulty in the feelings we have is a sign of healing and recovery, as accepting and processing is the only way to walk through it courageously. —working with subconscious language, bringing awareness.

Expressing through Art

When you have a hard time expressing your authentic self, I can guide you step by step to finally channeling your true self.

If you have fear of creating art, are creativity stuck or find it hard to express yourself in communicating your feelings through verbal language, you may find yourself benefiting in expressing through visual art with my guidance: — using metaphor to express your internal world into visual art.

Empowering through Art

When you have a challenging time on your journey, I will guide you on how to empower yourself through art-making because Art is not just healing but can also be empowering!

By taking inspiration from sources such as poems, music or espacially tarot cards and oracle cards (tarot for creative stimulation and connecting with your intuition), you can contemplate and then use elements from what we know as metaphors to create/express visuals for reminding/affirming purposes. This process can be used as visual healing (as healing leads to empowerment) — making personal art for personal visual healing/empowerment.

Expressing through the language of art for transformation and empowerment is the dream fragment that I carry on behalf of the whole.

some of my personal art as a visual healing


so gifted

This piece is a method from Mbodied Art Studio (Art as a soul language; who am I becoming).

Spikes have transformed to be a life force, a string of energy that emanates from her body to connect with beings, the earth, another light, the universe, and to share her light with all beings, the earth, and magnetite — the light to her. She is rising up, lightly, freely from any attachment. Her eyes become clear, and the light shines brightly from within her. Her energy harmonizes.

I embrace all shadows and have faith that there’s a gift within; I just have to see the gift inside when I am aware of my shadow and others'. Everybody is so gifted and unique and needed in this world.


sacred wound holder

Inspired by the Star Seed Oracle card — loosen your grip, and the following poem from the Gene Keys book:

“All spiritual paths begin with the urge to bring an end to personal suffering. It is your unacceptance of suffering that makes you seek, and as you seek you eventually realise that your seeking is based on the urge to avoid your wound.”

She’s a Seed of Love holders, an important seed that needs focus and attention. Seed of what she feels and she has to accept (as she takes into herself the suffering of the world), a seed of the ultimate healing code of humanity, a seed that is too important to seek for other things as an escape to abandon this healing work.


from nothing to everthing

Inspired by the Rumi Oracle card — FROM NOTHING TO EVERYTHING and the following paragraph from the Gene Keys book:

“Alchemy — the Royal Art — is the natural destiny of human beings who live their life totally, embracing everything and holding nothing back. It is the art of living dangerously. This does not mean that you necessarily take outer risks — the danger is to the illusion that there is anything fixed about you. The true human is indefinable because he or she is constantly surpassing all definitions. Alchemy is life. Transmutation is what drives human beings to keep going beyond their wildest dreams. To be in the process of transmutation is to be truly alive.”



Inspired by the Rumi Oracle card — THE IMPOSSIBLE MADE POSSIBLE, COMMITMENT, and by reading Love: A Guide to Your Venus Sequence book.

I am a hard shell, and strong banks and a funnel are my confidants. Seeds are well protected with my commitment to what I am here to do. To build a strong bank and funnel is to build courage, accepting without being a victim of limitations. My ambition directly relates to my self-esteem.


soul plan

Inspired by the Star Seed Oracle card — CALLED and I REMEMBER, alongside reading Prosperity: A Guide to Your Pearl Sequence book:

“You will have to understand what made you the way you are in order to release the aspects of your conditioning that do not belong to you. In time, this will make you a master of understanding the ways conditioning works and you can help others break free just as you have. “

“At a certain point in your inner journey, your Core Wound does indeed call you out into the world. There comes a time when you simply have to stop processing.”


seed of love

Inspired by internal heart pain and the following paragraph from the Gene Keys book:

“The symbol of blood has many meanings and levels. It represents the conduit for the sacred wound itself, the blood that passes from human to human down the ages and that contains the codes for our ultimate healing. On a more universal level, it symbolises consciousness, that which moves through and behind all forms, knitting them together into a great cosmic pattern.”

“They are people whose lives reflect the grappling with their wound, They take paths that others have never travelled, and in doing so they take into themselves the suffering of the world.”

“You will walk through life with an air of another world about you, while at the same time being deeply grounded and open to others. In a nutshell, you carry the seed of love.”

If my approaches resonate with your inner calling, then we may be meant to speak the universal language Called Art together!

Scheduled Art sessions in Thai and English on a donation basis

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(+66) 082 092 9542

Hope to SEe you!